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For those of you that think that Shoe Wrapz are a type of printed vinyl sticker, similar  to that of a car wrap, then you would be way off base, and for those of you that think that Shoe Wrapz are some kind of heated or water slide transfer or even painted on by a very skilled sneaker artist, using brushes or spray paint, then think again, that is not the case. In fact Shoe Wrapz, are made from extremely special, multi-layer, sub surface decoration films, the application of which enables us to provide our customers with decorated shoes that are not only visually stunning, but uniquely feel and perform like they are an integral part of any material surface they have been applied to.


Our Difference is in our proprietary technology, it has allowed us to re-imagine the process of surface decorating and finishing footwear, and  has given us the ability to share the benefits of our proprietary technology with everyone.

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